Bishop Grigorije created a “crowd” at the Book Fair (PHOTO)

Bishop Grigorije created a “crowd” at the Book Fair (PHOTO)

Bishop Grigorije of Dusseldorf and Germany was a guest of the Book Fair in Belgrade, where he signed his latest book for readers.

The bishop and the writer, beloved by both people, signed his new work “Stranger in the Forest” at the Book Fair and caused a stir among the stalls in Hall 1 of the Belgrade Fair.

A huge line formed in the corridors, and visitors needed more than half an hour to get their turn.

Vladika was a real “attraction” at the fair, as many visitors came just to meet Grigori and take pictures with him. Priests who came to have the bishop sign their book were also noticed, but people let them in “out of line”, as well as those who brought children.

“Stranger in the Forest” is the latest book by Bishop Grigori, whose previous books “Over the Door” and “Courtyards of Heaven” were a great success, so there is no doubt that “The Stranger” will continue in that spirit…

Source: BIZLife

Photo: BIZLife, screenshot
