Boiler Korea donates 100 electric blankets to Namyangju Seobu Hope Care… Spreading warmth to the local community < ESG Management-Social Contribution < Article

Boiler Korea Co., Ltd. announced on September 24 that it donated an additional 100 electric blankets to the Namyangju Seobu Hope Care Center, putting into practice sharing and spreading warmth to the local community.

This donation is the second one following the previous Namyangju Southern Hope Care Center event, and was designed to help underprivileged neighbors spend the cold winter in a warmer environment.

Based on the warm response and gratitude from local residents for the first donation event, Boiler Korea Co., Ltd. decided to make this second donation. This time, we wanted to provide practical help to the elderly living alone, low-income households, and vulnerable groups who are having difficulties with heating in the winter, and the electric blankets will be used as essential heating supplies for a warmer and safer winter.

“I am happy that we can share our warm hearts with the local community again following our last donation,” said Kim Yong-seong, CEO of Boiler Korea. “Boiler Korea plans to continue our sharing activities so that underprivileged neighbors in the local community can spend the cold winter a little warmer.”

He added, “We will continue to actively carry out various social contribution activities to provide practical help to our struggling neighbors in need.”

Boiler Korea Co., Ltd. established a Korean branch in September 2023 and sells wellness products such as electric blankets, electric blankets, and humidifiers, as well as medical products specialized in prevention and diagnosis such as blood pressure monitors and thermometers. In this sponsorship, the company plans to donate 70 of its new UB152 (single-person) electric blankets and 30 UB155 (double-person) electric blankets, which will be evenly distributed to underprivileged households.

This donation is an example that proves once again that Boiler Korea Co., Ltd. is not simply selling products, but is also fulfilling its social responsibility and establishing itself as a brand that coexists with the local community. In the future, Boiler plans to extend a helping hand to more neighbors and practice sustainable sharing.

Provided by Boiler Korea
