Botanic seeks to defend living gardens

In September, the Botanic brand and the Water Family association published an educational booklet to remind people of the importance of gardens in order to preserve water resources and provide a habitat for species. A major challenge: there are 1.2 million hectares of private outdoor spaces in France.

Through his books or his conferences, biologist Marc-André Sélosse often invites us to observe what surrounds us, plants, species, including those evolving under our feet, insects, worms, crustaceans. Many live in the soil and thus contribute to protecting it. However, it is very useful to keep it healthy to store carbon, participate in climate regulation, transform organic matter into nutrients that plants will use, store water… This is part of the messages that the professor from the National Museum of Natural History (alongside other scientists) conveys in the guide The power of our gardenspublished at the beginning of September by the environmental protection association Water Family, in company with the Botanic brand.

The brand with 76 garden centers has joined the initiative to provide knowledge about the garden, which is home to a crazy number of species. The educational booklet illustrated by Caroline Gaujour is full of advice for keeping green spaces more “alive” than ever and preserving water resources, which are essential for ecosystems. The publication of around thirty pages reminds us that there are no “weeds” and that all the little creatures that fly over the garden play a role. Typically, unloved insects, since we are talking about them, participate in pollination, and so it can be interesting to leave plots unmowed (also to keep a little freshness in case of high heat) or not to prune trees between spring and summer so as not to disturb bird nesting.

“Changing the way we look at gardens”

This is of “change the way we look at our exteriors”says Karine Peltant, communications manager at Botanic, who participated with some of her colleagues in the production of the guide. And to show in the end that ““Gardening brings well-being”she continues.

The design of the publication was carried out as part of a sponsorship contract signed in 2023 between the company and the Water family. Since 2008, the association has been working in schools to raise awareness among children about the water cycle (from glaciers to the ocean), disrupted by human activities. The association also knocks on the doors of organizations.A few months ago, notes Karine Peltant, whose offices are located in Archamps, in Haute-Savoie near the peaks, We were trained on the issues of water preservation, the Water family does a great job of education.”

Distributed in stores

Knowledge that she intends to pass on from now on, over time. “150,000 copies of the guide The Power of Gardens were sent to our stores.” From October, she specifies, “They will be distributed at events in which the brand participates.”. Whether it is at specialist fairs or during the school gardening week, organised every year in March. But not only that. “We regularly hold educational workshops in our garden centres to give various tips, such as designing a planter to attract pollinators. And we will have the opportunity to give the guide to the participants. Some have children and they will be able to read it.”

This is not the only company involved. The Petit Bateau brand, another partner of the guide, will also be distributing it in its stores soon… We are never enough to make known the… power of gardens.
