Boys sew and girls do woodwork

The boys of the 6th grade of Haapsalu elementary school in a craft lesson on Thursday. Malle-Liisa Raigla

From this fall, a new curriculum will be in effect in schools, according to which there will no longer be a distinction between boys and girls in vocational classes: children of both sexes will learn woodwork, metalwork and crafts.

On Thursday, the sixth-grade boys of Haapsalu elementary school were busy behind sewing machines, as if they had been doing it since birth. “You must have a white thread, dear child. Then you test whether the machine works,” said crafts teacher Siiri Reimann to one boy and then to another: “Iron it. The iron is there. Then we’ll see.”

The boy chose a piece of blue fabric and went to iron it. “We’re sewing a shopping bag for the seventh week,” said Reimann. “The end
