Bruno Fernando, Bell o Motley

Another setback for Virtus, who at the home of the certainly not transcendental Asvel goes to -13, gets back to a draw and then falls in the sprint. The situation of the long players is worrying.

Three European nights, as many defeats. For Italy the start of the Euroleague is essentially a small Caporettoand the Virtus he put his best foot forward by being mocked at the end byAsvel Villeurbanne who almost can’t believe if what their eyes saw is true and if it’s just a dream.

Certainly for Bologna the start on the highest continental stage is a nightmare: Banchi is already licking his wounds and the market is already knocking on the door, because if there is one problem that seems to emerge more than any other in this first part of the season, it is the difficulty in keeping under the radar. Certainly not a problem that can be solved with a snap of the fingers.

Rebounding is a massacre: 44-27 for Asvel

More than the 87-85 finalwhich matured after a frantic comeback which had also produced the sensation that the inertia had now turned in the direction of the black Vu (below 13 points halfway through the third quarterbut go back into parity until you reach parity thanks to Pajola and Diouf), it is the total of the rebound challenge that raises alarm bells in all directions: 44 those captured by Asvel (of which 21 offensive), just 27 were taken down by Virtuswho only managed to give herself 8 second chances.

Read in these terms, the numbers also assume another value, thinking about the fact that the defeat only came in the final seconds on the Sako blocks Cordinieronce again (as already happened with theEphesus last week) best player in Bologna with 23 points scored. But that rebound imbalance is worrying and so far it has turned out to be much more than a normal burden for the kids of Banks. Enough to immediately reopen the purse strings.

Cacok isn’t back and we’re thinking about who could replace him

Why the Virtus knows that without Devontae Cacok key centimeters missing under the basket. And to avoid lose too much ground and seeing the road even more uphill than it would be in “normal” conditions, the Bolognese management began to explore various paths.

Also because fit, absent for about ten months now (he was injured Belgrade at the end of December), he is still unable to give an expiry date for your long-term care. The latest news refers to a possible return to early December, but there is no certainty, much less anyone who can affirm it with certainty.

For this reason the Virtus is monitoring multiple prospects, looking for the right opportunity to strengthen the long department, Bruno Fernando, Angolan center of 206 centimeters of room ai Raptors, he is one of the eligible candidates. Also Jordan Bell, ex Golden State Warriorcurrently a free agent, is among the names being explored: he certainly has an effect, but his physical condition remains a puzzle.

But the dream is Jonathan Motley, who could leave theHapoel Tel Aviv due to the Israeli-Palestinian war. Except that it would take a lot of money, and these days a Bologna they are careful about how many come out of their wallets. But wait it could prove very dangerous.
