Budget Law 2025, the text approved by the Council of Ministers

Approval of the Budget for next year: reduced bonuses, priority to the family and birth rate and confirmed incentives for purchasing a first home.

Budget allocated for the fiscal maneuver for 2025

As the end of the year approaches, the most excited moment of the whole year is also approaching for the Executive, which must approve the Maneuver for next year.

In recent weeks the first drafts of the CD have begun to circulate Budget 2025which in some parts still present many aspects to be clarified and sorted out, but which for the majority of structural interventions are already defined.

Maneuver 2025 main news – photo Getty Images

As always, it is a matter of managing important resources: for the next tax period there are up to 30 billion.

The bill is part of a larger multi-year project, growing in terms of resources, because they will increase up to 35 billion In the 2026 and beyond 40 billion In the 2027.

In this context, the Government assures that no new taxes will be introduced.

There are many reforms that directly or indirectly affect the home sector and families.

What’s new in tax deductions and family quotient for 2025

The first reform for budget law 2025 it certainly concerns the food sector bonus ediziwhich this Government has always intended to rationalize and reorder.

When calculating the benefits granted with tax deductions, the so-called will be taken into account family quotient. This is not an absolute novelty, because in previous years it had already been foreseen to determine the amount of thefacilitation Superbonus and for the ISEE calculation regarding social security contributions.

Family quotient maneuver - photo Getty ImagesFamily quotient maneuver – photo Getty Images

Specifically, the family quotient it is a system that allows you to increase the benefit of the subsidy in consideration of the number of family members present in the household and the overall amount of income: the more dependent family members there are, the lower the income of the household, the greater the deductions allowed.

The family quotient should also become a parameter to establish the progressive decrease in the percentages of benefits, currently foreseen by the ceiling of 120 thousand euros.

Family bonus for 2025

Important innovations are also preparing to become law in the field of bonus e help for familieswhich provide for an enhancement of parental leaveincreased by approximately three months’ wages, remunerated up to 80%.

It remains stationaryleave allowance parental equal to 60% of the salary, already provided for by this year’s finance law.

Parental leave should be provided for a maximum of ten months, which both parents can use.

The months can increase up to eleven if the working father abstains from work for a period, continuous or divided, of at least three months.

The bonus for purchasing your first home has been confirmed

Shouldn’t take any risks house bonus per i youngwhich has become a fully implemented measure.

This is a concession that provides access to benefits and savings in terms of registration taxes, mortgages to land registry due in case of purchase of the main residence.

Tax maneuver bonus - photo Getty imagesTax maneuver bonus – photo Getty images

It is intended for young people under 36 years with a ISEE annual not exceeding 40,000 euros.

Although it is now considered a stable benefit, the next budget law will have to provide for a specific extension and this because the first home bonus under 36modified by by the decree of Support twicecan be used for deeds stipulated up to December 31, 2024.

In the current situation, we are therefore at the final stages of this facilitation.

Card for newborns and card dedicated to you

Other forms of support are generally provided for families: these measures includesingle check not subject to ISEE calculations and other aid, in particular for groups of populations with a Very low ISEE.

But even more awaited by families is the birth support.
The new born cardexpected for an ISEE not exceeding 40 thousand euros, attributes a contribution of euro 1000 for new parents.

The card dedicated to you It consists of a one-off contribution of 500 euros provided exclusively for the purchase of basic food items only.
Families consisting of at least three people with an ISEE not exceeding 15,000 euros are entitled to this form of support.

As part of these measures, the so-called bonus asili nidoprovided for families with children aged 0 to 3 years.

This bonus is provided for both private and public nursery school attendance.

Greater attention also for subjects who can be defined as fragile, who can benefit from home care, provided they suffer from serious chronic pathologies.

On the specific amount of these bonuses Official clarifications are awaited by the Government.

Source: www.lavorincasa.it