Building a Future-Proof Organization? Focus on Internal Communications

Dutch companies and institutions have become less productive in the past year. The CBS even reports the largest decline in labor productivity in almost fifteen years. Many companies are taking measures to increase productivity again*. The majority of these companies are investing in technology and more efficient work processes. My advice; invest in internal communication to improve the working environment.

In the boardroom, communication is rarely considered as a strategic tool for organizational development. It is time for this to change.

Internal communication contributes to creating a positive working environment, in which employees feel seen and heard, are involved in what is happening within the organization and are well informed, so that they can perform their work efficiently and with pleasure. This is essential for the future of your organization.

What does internal communication bring to your organization?

I believe in the power of internal communication to build a future-proof organization. Choose an integral approach and internal communication will deliver much more to your organization than just higher productivity.

1. Improved productivity

Employees who have up-to-date and understandable (task) information and know how to find the right colleagues, perform their work more efficiently. Employees who feel valued and enjoy their work, are also happy to go the extra mile.

2. Lower absenteeism and turnover

Higher employee satisfaction leads to lower absenteeism and turnover. This saves your organization costs for absenteeism and reintegration and for recruitment, selection and onboarding of new employees. Less outflow also limits the loss of knowledge and experience.

3. Higher customer satisfaction

Employees who are well-informed and enjoy their work serve customers better. Higher customer satisfaction strengthens the reputation of the organization. This contributes to retaining existing customers and attracting new customers.

4. Improved innovative capacity

In an organization that focuses on knowledge sharing and development, employees feel stimulated to share ideas. This contributes to innovation and improvement of products and services. Employees who are able to find (task) information and colleagues are also better able to solve problems.

5. Higher adaptive capacity

Employees who feel connected to the mission and strategy of the organization and know what these mean for their daily work, will be able to move more easily with changes. This enables the organization to respond more quickly and effectively to changes in the outside world.

That sounds good, but how do you achieve that?

It is important that different disciplines within your organization join forces to develop a comprehensive internal communication strategy that fits the strategy and goals of your organization. Who do you need for what? A few examples:

Leadership behavior

Leadership behavior is a determining factor if you want to create a communication culture that is characterized by openness, safety and trust. In addition, management and managers play an important role in properly involving employees in the strategy of the organization and involving them in changes at an early stage.

Understandable (task) information

Providing understandable (task) information and keeping it up to date is a shared responsibility of staff departments such as HR, IT and Facility Management. It is also important that they consistently provide the information via the designated communication channels and resources, so that it is easy for employees to find.

Good infrastructure

A good infrastructure of digital tools, channels and resources forms the basis for collaboration and knowledge sharing. To ensure that this infrastructure supports employees as well as possible in their daily work, it is important to connect with their way of working and needs. In addition, adoption requires attention, so that employees can and will use the tools, channels and resources effectively. The IT department plays an essential role in this.

Inspiring work environment

An inspiring work environment stimulates meeting, collaboration and knowledge sharing in the office. It is the responsibility of the Facility Management department to create an environment with different types of spaces and workplaces, appropriate to the nature of the work and the needs of employees.

Do you want to make a difference for your organization?

Do you, like me, believe in the power of internal communication and do you want to get started with it for your organization? I would be happy to help you! In my article ‘Setting up internal communication; make the difference with an integral approach’ I will take you step by step through my approach next week.

*bron: CBS
