Bulgaria is holding its seventh election in three and a half years

In Bulgaria, voters will go to the polls on Sunday to vote for a new parliament in early elections for the seventh time in three and a half years, reports the Hungarian Telegraph Office (MTI).

After the early elections held on June 9 this year, no party was able to form a government. Based on the surveys, the Alliance of Citizens for the European Development of Bulgaria-Democratic Forces may emerge as the strongest actor, but it is expected that it will not be able to obtain an absolute majority.

According to surveys, at least seven political forces may enter the parliament after Sunday’s vote, so coalition building will remain difficult. Representatives of 19 parties and 9 coalitions are competing for the 240 seats in the 51st House of Representatives.

The elections were preceded by a one-day campaign silence. About 6.64 million people in the Balkan EU country have the right to vote, and 11,647 polling stations will be open to them.

Votes are taken for firewood in the Bulgarian campaign

Source: nepszava.hu