High political instability continues to hinder reforms

16.09.2024. / 9:46 SARAJEVO – Increased consumption, which should be supported by lower inflation and growth in real wages, will increase real growth in Bosnia and Herzegovina to 2.8 percent this year. Photo: Pixabay This is stated, among other things, … Read more

Modern methods for information management

From Paper to Digital Archive: Modern Methods for Information Management Today, information is the carrier of business activities, the core of every company, but not everyone knows how to manage it, how to store it safely, but also how to … Read more

Everything we do is about people

How we understand the value of others in our lives – this is the idea from which, in 2016, it started UNFINISHEDthe festival that set out to bring completely different people under the same umbrella who normally don’t intersect. From … Read more

SAD deficit 1.9 billion dollars

15.09.2024. / 14:09 WASHINGTON – The US budget deficit neared the end of the fiscal year to the amount of 1.9 trillion dollars (1,900,000,000,000), the Ministry of Finance reported, highlighting the jump in interest costs on higher public debt. PHOTO: … Read more