C-130 planes fighting fires. “It’s not the solution, but it’s another resource”

Forest fire specialist Domingos Xavier Viegas understands that it is a good measure to deploy C-130 planes to fight fires, but emphasizes that it should not be seen as a definitive solution, rather it should be seen as yet another reinforcement of resources.

We can’t think it’s the solution because the solution is not in fighting with heavy means, but it is another resource and, if it were to be used, it would be a huge reinforcement for the ability of our combat means to operate”, says Domingos Xavier Viegas, speaking to Renaissance.

The director of the Forest Fire Studies Laboratory highlights the great combat capacity of a C-130 aircraft.

“It carries 11 thousand liters, therefore, it has a discharge capacity. When fighting fires, it is good that we have a diverse arsenal, from light means, which are helicopters, medium means and heavy means, which includes the C-130 and as such, we will have a very high combat and suppression capacity, in high-intensity fires.”

Xavier Viegas adds that just one C-130 plane operating will not be effective in a flame-fighting scenario, advocating the use of at least two planes.

“I followed the use of this aerial means by the Air Force in fighting fires, about 10 years ago and one of the things I noticed was that a single plane was used. Now, this is not enough because it does not give, let’s say, enough time to carry out the discharges or for them to be effective in combat. For it to be truly effective, at least two planes must be in operation. Possibly a third party, as a reserve”, he states.

The expert remembers that these planes need to be refueled on land because they have pressurized tanks. “It is a time-consuming operation and requires an air base with these resources.”

This Monday, the Minister of Defense, Nuno Melo, announced that he wants to use C-130 planes to fight fires. The government official visited the areas affected by the fires in the district of Aveiro and defended the need to create conditions so that Air Force equipment can help fight the flames.

“I will present to the Government a proposal for the purchase of two ‘kits’ which will be installed on C-130 aircraft to fight fires”, said the minister, during a session to sign the cooperation protocol for the implementation of the “Education Framework for Security, Defense and Peace”, with the 11 municipalities in the Aveiro region.

The investment could be around seven million euros, for each plane.

Source: rr.sapo.pt