Call for open competition to fill four janitor positions

CIES Concierge

Martorell City Council is calling for a selection process, through open competition, to fill four vacant janitor-ordinance positions, of which two are reserved for people with disabilities. The deadline for submitting applications is from October 9 to November 6, 2024, both inclusive.

People who wish to take part in the selection process must request it by means of a request addressed to the mayor of Martorell, formulated in the standardized model that will be available to interested people at the Office of Citizen Assistance (OAC ) from the Martorell Town Hall (Mur street, 61, ground floor, Martorell) and on the municipal website (heading ‘Public Offer and Human Resources‘).

The submission of applications may be made in the electronic register of the City Council or in the electronic register of the public administrations related to article 2.1 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Administrative Procedure Common of Public Administrations. In person, at the Citizen Service Office (OAC) (Mur street, 61, ground floor, Martorell). At the Post Offices, in the manner established by regulation. To the diplomatic representations or consular offices of Spain abroad and to the assistance offices in matters of records.

Interested persons must have Spanish nationality or of any of the member countries of the European Union or of the states to which, by virtue of international treaties signed by the European Union and ratified by Spain, the free movement of workers is applicable . Be 16 years old and not exceed, if applicable, the maximum compulsory retirement age for access to public service. Be in possession of the school certificate or any other equivalent or higher.

Whoever opts for the places reserved for people with disabilities, must have the legal condition of disability with a degree equal to or greater than 33%, as well as, accredit through the opinion of the Labor Assessment and Orientation Team (EVO), that he/she is able to carry out the functions corresponding to the job to be filled and determine, if necessary, the adaptations that the applicant needs to complete the tests, and in the case of passing them, in the workplace.

The selection tests will include an opposition phase, which will consist of a B2 level Catalan test, and a B2 level Spanish test for people who do not have Spanish nationality, a knowledge exercise on the syllabus and a another consisting of solving a practical case. There will also be a merit competition phase, which applicants will have to justify and allege in documents.
