Call of Duty Black Ops 6 scored on its first day on Steam

Although Steam now combines all games under one Call of Duty folder, we see a decent number of players Black Ops 6 even though the game is in Game Pass. Specifically, yesterday the game reached 254 thousand current players, which is 31% more than in Modern Warfare III. It is also the third highest number of current players. When Warzone 2.0 was released, there were 491,000 current players and 301,000 during one free weekend.

The 254 thousand is not the pure number of Black Ops 6, but it includes the previous games and Warzone, which had around 70 thousand players in the last days. It can still be seen that the game attracted players much better than Modern Warfare III and Game Pass didn’t stop it either. Maybe it’s a bit of a shame that it’s not available on PC, where users complain about crashes or problems with the launcher.
