Can loans for the renovation of roofs, facades and elevators solve the long-standing problems of tenants

In just ten days, since housing associations were enabled to take loans for the reconstruction of roofs, facades and elevators through Gradski housing, at Poštanska štedionica, six buildings have already entered the procedure.

So far, 42 housing associations have contacted the public company Gradsko samnobo, interested in a loan. The tenants of the building at 28 Aleksinački rudara Street applied for a loan to replace the elevator.

“We expect that a greater number of those inquiries will turn into specific requests, and two are already in the procedure. These are requests for reconstruction, i.e. replacement of elevators, and next week they will receive bids, a list of potential contractors and bank conditions. We always specify the elevator, the roof, the facade, but if you want to replace the old wooden metering cabinet with a new one – of course you can”, said Igor Ćurčić from the Public Enterprise “Gradsko Sembono”.

The loan amount depends on the type of work

The loan amount ranges from one to several million dinars and depends on the type of work.

“Until now, we have never had a situation where something has to be paid for up to seven years, so I can’t predict installments yet. While we had a situation of up to 60 installments, i.e. up to five years, the installments ranged from 1,000 to several thousand dinars,” says Ćurčić.

Loans will be used to solve long-standing problems of tenants that they could not agree on. The largest debt is up to seven years, and one of the bank’s conditions is that the housing association be in the maintenance system of the City Housing.

“It is very important that the housing association regularly settles the obligations it has towards the City Housing and based on that, an assessment of the practical creditworthiness and suitability of the housing association to enter the lending process will be carried out, i.e. solving their problem”, says Aleksandar Čortan from Poštanska štedionica.

Photo-illustration: Unsplash (Kristaps Grundsteins)

As for the guarantee that the bank takes in this process, when it comes to the housing association, it is the promissory notes of the housing association, that is, the contract with the bank and the City Housing is concluded by a manager who can be from the domain of professional managers or a manager elected by the tenants of the housing association, he adds. Chortan.

Loan repayment via Infostan payment slips

Previously, tenants had to wait at least four months to discuss the loan with the authorities, now they receive an offer in less than 15 days, and Gradsko housing completes all the necessary paperwork on their behalf.

The loan will be divided into installments for as many years as the tenants choose and will be repaid through Infostan payment slips.

Source: RTS
