This one IQ test gives you less than 10 seconds to solve it. Riddles like this often accompany IQ tests, providing intellectual stimulation while also being fun.
Picture IQ tests are a form of brain game that tests the reader’s critical thinking and problem solving skills. These challenges have the potential to boost your intelligence and improve your concentration. Observation tests, math puzzles and IQ tests are great ways to train your mind and keep your eyesight at its best.
The IQ test below shows a cross made of 4 matches. The challenge is to create a square, but you can move just 1 match.
The IQ test gets harder as you only have 10 seconds to find the right answer. Can you solve it?
The IQ test solution
The solution is simpler than you think.
Just move the right horizontal matchstick to the right to reveal the square, in the center of the cross.