Car rodeo involving more than 400 cars turns violent, police officers injured

A car rodeo that goes seriously off the rails. On the night of Saturday to Sunday, a wild gathering of between 400 and 500 vehicles, notably from the Paris region and Belgium, took place in the North, near Valenciennes, reports The Voice of the NorthThe intervention of the police turned into a confrontation: BAC officers were injured.

The meeting had been organized via social networks. “We had never seen a gathering of this magnitude in the area,” a police source told the regional daily.

A hostile crowd

The first face-off between the police and the fans of this type of car rodeo took place in the car park of an industrial zone in Denain. A team intervened to stop the speed spikes and skidding that were endangering a large audience.

The police officers had to face a hostile crowd. After being pelted with stones, they eventually retreated. However, the license plates of 376 participants were able to be identified, according to the police.

The second clash occurred a little later in the night, near the Toyota factory in Onnaing where the same participants had found a fallback site. After two hours of car racing, masked participants decided to attack the police officers who were placed under observation. Most of the attackers and spectators were dispersed thanks to the use of stun grenades.

Policeman dragged for several meters

A police officer was nevertheless injured in the wrist and arm while trying to stop the driver of a car. According to a source, he was dragged for several meters, hanging on to the vehicle. “The driver almost knocked over several police officers. Then he hit a BAC vehicle head-on twice to force his way through,” the source added.

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The individual was eventually arrested. He is due to appear in court in November for refusing to comply and intentional violence against persons in authority. Two other participants were also arrested, one for false registration plates.
