Caroline Fourest, ups and downs

Every Saturday, an update on the public’s favorite works.

On the belt band Tatathe latest novel by Valérie Perrin in 7th place in the ranking, we can read that“There are no people without a story”. Regarding MeToo Vertigo (10th) by Caroline Fourest, there is no essay without controversy. The journalist returns to the movement for the liberation of speech by listing certain cases that have been publicized in the world of cinema, the media or politics to raise, according to her, her “excess”. She writes: “Nowadays, it only takes one rumor that becomes public to tarnish a person forever.” The subject, which has become divisive, has caused reactions after her television and radio appearances. Clémentine Autain, MP, calls her out on her Instagram account: Caroline Fourest “really shoots down what the MeToo movement has contributed” and for Judith Godrèche, an actress mentioned in the book, there are “portraits for the prosecution, the victims, and portraits for the defense, the accused”. But it is clear that the subject sells – since its release, 18,000 copies have been sold. C.G.-D.

Source : Datalib and Adelc, based on a panel of 343 top-tier independent bookstores. Ranking of new releases (excluding pocket books, school books, guides, games, etc.) out of a total of 94,646 different titles.
