Castilla-La Mancha studies sanctioning and expropriating the Ciudad Real airport for the possible migrant center

The lack of information that the Government of Castilla-La Mancha has reported in recent days about the possible installation of a migrant reception center at the Ciudad Real airport has led the regional Executive to adopt measures. Specifically, he has sent a letter to the owner of these facilities, Rafael Gómez Arribas, in which he announces an inspection for the coming days. In the same letter, he also talks about the opening of “previous actions” for the possible investigation of sanctioning proceedings in urban planning matters.

The writing, to which you have had access elDiarioclm.eswas sent by the Government of Emiliano García-Page last Friday, October 18, and is signed by the general director of Territorial Planning and Urbanism, Silvia López Martín. Informs the owner that in the coming days he will be informed “of the day and time” to carry out the inspection “in the exercise of regional powers.”

It also indicates that with this a hearing is opened for the company and the owner is summoned to go to the Ministry of Public Works to “alleged what he deems appropriate” and to inform the Autonomous Administration of any actions that have been carried out regarding the center. reception “and what is in fact being done” in the facilities.

The Government of Emiliano García-Page warns that, if necessary, it reserves the right to exercise the action of “restoration of territorial and urban planning and any other actions that may arise.” That is, it reserves the right even to expropriate the land.

This same week, the Minister of Economy, Business and Employment, Patricia Franco, stated that the airport management company had a confidentiality agreement with the central government and that therefore the autonomous Administration could not have access to information about the possible center of migrants. These statements occurred while the Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Elma Saiz, assured that “there is no decision made” regarding it.

The visit of the City Council “confirmed” that there were actions “without authorization”

In the letter sent to the owner of the airport, the regional government argues that given the possibility of its use as a reception center for immigrants, it received a letter last Thursday from the Urban Planning Councilor of the Ciudad Real City Council after a visit in order to verify if any type of action was being carried out without the proper authorizations, “verifying that it was.”

It reports that actions were verified that “do not seem to correspond to the proper use of facilities of that nature.” The Department of Development recalls in its letter that the airport was processed and executed through a Project of Singular Interest (PSI), with the land and facilities “subject to both instruments.”

It is at this point when he talks about the opening of proceedings for a sanctioning file in urban planning matters against the company that owns the airport. Although it specifies that the jurisdiction “ordinarily” corresponds to the City Council, the regional government “takes responsibility.” Its objective, he adds, is to analyze possible infractions “in a territorial area that exceeds the jurisdiction of a municipality, since the PSI covers land not only in the municipality of Ciudad Real.”

“If the very serious events witnessed by the competent Department of Ciudad Real are confirmed, if they are ongoing right now, and if they affect an area not received by local administrations, and affect several municipalities, we see ourselves in the duty to assume , at least in this embryonic stage of the sanctioning file, competition,” explains the García-Page Government.

The sanctions for urban planning violations contemplated by the regional Executive may be disqualification from carrying out activities with urban planning relevance, expropriating land and demolishing what was built or expanded for the immigrant center.

It also cites the alleged confidentiality agreement between the airport and the Government of Spain. “Confidentiality agreements are based on the autonomy of the will of the parties, which do not obey the mandatory application of the rules and which, where appropriate, are restricted to the commercial relationships that the parties may have between them.”

In general, the autonomous Administration considers that there is “a pressing need” to clarify the facts in the face of an “apparent violation of the legal system, due to the media impact it is causing, due to the concern in society in general, and in particular in the neighborhood not only of Ciudad Real, but of the municipalities surrounding the airport.” It also highlights the implications that it could have for the affected territory “in terms of water, education, social assistance, transportation, and other basic services affected.”

“It does not fit into the endowment use of the PSI”

The hypothetical immigrant reception center “does not fit into the provisioning use described in the PSI, as it is not a necessary facility for the development of the activities of airport users.” “Not only does the immigrant reception center not accommodate the intended uses, but it is expressly considered incompatible” according to the facility’s master plan. “And, it seems, expressly, the entity that owns the airport would be ignoring these requirements.”

With these premises, the Government of Castilla-La Mancha sees it as “crucial” to verify the actions at the airport “to contrast the information with the facts” to corroborate or rule out “at least two urban planning infractions”, one serious and the other very serious.
