Catalan independence mourns the death of Alex Salmond

BarcelonaThe sudden death of Alex Salmond has had a profound impact on Catalan independence. The first minister of Scotland who got an independence referendum held in his country left his mark on the sovereignty of the Principality with the aim of achieving the right of self-determination and has now unleashed an avalanche of condolences The former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont was one of the first to react: “No one like him brought Scotland closer to independence in modern times. I will remember him as a true friend of Catalonia”, he said in a publication in X.

In the same sense, Junts as a party has expressed itself through a statement, after the Juntaire leaders Laura Borràs and Jordi Turull have published a similar message on social networks. Former president Pere Aragonès also spoke out in the republican camp, “shocked” by the death of “a man passionate about his country and a reference to the peoples who are fighting for independence”. In similar terms, the republican spokesperson, Marta Vilalta, and numerous people from the various candidacies that are at stake in the training congress have conveyed their condolences.

Beyond political independence, civil organizations have also spoken out. The president of Òmnium, Xavier Antich, has stressed that sovereignty owes Salmond “essential lessons from the Scottish independence referendum of 2014” because “he was an example and a mirror” of the Process that culminated in 2017. “The the fight for self-determination continues, in Scotland and Catalonia,” he says.
