Cause cancer: it has been revealed which products should be abandoned immediately

The list was compiled by nutritionist Nicole Andrews.

Eating unhealthy food can lead to the development of cancer, says nutritionist and cancer nutritionist Nicole Andrews, reports with a link to the Telegram channel “Notes of a Doctor”.

According to the doctor, there are two most harmful groups of products – processed meat and alcohol. Thus, processed meat is a carcinogen. It is often understood as ham, bacon, sausage, hot dogs and deli meats, including roast beef. Scientists believe that eating such meat affects the development of stomach cancer and colorectal cancer, the portal writes.

Andrews named alcohol as the second carcinogen. She warned that the more alcohol a person drinks, the higher the risk of developing cancer of the mouth, throat, liver, breast and colon.

The nutritionist also questioned whether energy drinks, food colorings, diet sodas, artificial sweeteners, eggs, dairy products and gluten cause cancer.

Previously it was reported how to protect yourself from colorectal cancer.

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