CDX manager in Palermo near Musumeci publishes shock post against Schlein. The minister: “Firm condemnation”

Salvo Coppolino, regional director of the political group founded in Palermo by Nello Musumeci, shared a shocking post against the leader of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein. The post, later deleted, aroused the indignation of the Democrats, who asked the current Minister of Civil Protection and former governor of Sicily to distance himself.

“I remember once i fascists wanted to abuse mebut then they fled”. This is the sentence shown above the image of Elly Schlein reshared from the profile of Except Coppolino, former provincial councilor of Palermo among the loyalists of the former governor of Sicily and current minister of civil protection, Nello Musumeci.

Coppolino is currently regional director of “Diventerà Bellissima”, a centre-right party founded by Musumeci himself. In the post, later deleted, Coppolino added: “I called them, I shouted at them to come back, to do with me what they wanted, that I wouldn’t report them, but nothing, they disappeared, leaving me in the most acute pain”.

The reactions of the Democratic Party were not long in coming. “Unworthy words full of violence against Elly Schlein by Salvo Coppolino, regional director of the Sicilian list ‘She will become beautiful’. Musumeci, among the promoters of the movement, must immediately distance himself from obscene and sexist language that goes beyond democratic confrontation. We expect a firm condemnation,” the senator said Annamaria Furlan.

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The deputy’s comment was also harsh Ilenia Malavasi. “Musumeci has the duty to immediately condemn the shameful post published by Salvo Coppolino, regional director of one of the lists that supported him, against Elly Schlein. Personal insults, contempt, violence – even more so against a woman – should not have citizenship in the institutions and represent a sign of unparalleled political and human degradation. This is the sexist culture of which the right of this country is made. Obviously, nothing different can be expected from someone like Coppolino Sicilian and national right, we await censorship and apologies”, he declared.

The words of. are of the same tone Debora Serracchiani, exponent of the national dem secretariat. “We hope that Minister Musumeci will immediately distance himself from Coppolino, who supported him in the previous legislature as president of the Sicilian Region. We are faced with a shameful post and an unworthy gesture that the minister must strongly condemn”, he said.

To echo her, the national head of schools of the Democratic Party, Irene Manzi, who defines the post published by Coppolino as “offensive and vulgar”, “a mean text which unfortunately describes those who publish it. The institutions deserve to be represented in another way”.

Coppolino’s defense: “They hacked my profile”

Meanwhile, Coppolino attempted to defend himself. “That sexist post published on my Facebook page against Elly Schlein, secretary of the Democratic Party, is not my work and therefore I categorically dissociate myself from it. It probably was a joke in very poor taste by someone who wrote it on my profile by accessing it illegally,” he said.

The manager claims that account was hacked. “I haven’t been on Facebook in 25 days. Those posts aren’t mine, I deny them all, now I delete the profile and do it again”, he declared.

Musumeci: “I condemn sentences about Schlein, I expect the same sensitivity from the left”

At the end the Minister of Protection also intervened Nello Musumeci to condemn the words of his most faithful. “I am astonished to read the words published on Salvo Coppolino’s profile, from which the interested party distanced himself”, he declared. “Regardless of their real authorship, they are sentences that I firmly condemn, expressing my solidarity with the secretary Elly Schlein. I really hope that the left can feel the same sensitivity when others suffer similar unfortunate attacks”, concluded the former governor of Sicily .
