The bHaptics Tact line of clothing elevates the experience experienced in virtual reality to an even higher level.
It looks like a bulletproof vest, but it’s actually a piece of haptic clothing, the $500 TactSuit Pro by bHaptics, which can press and vibrate our body at 32 points, raising the gaming experience in a virtual environment to a new level. On the back of the surprisingly heavy (1.9 kg), but not at all uncomfortable device, lies a large control center, which also has a built-in battery, with which the manufacturer promises a maximum operating time of 13.5 hours.
For those willing to spend $500, they offer the $250 TactSuit Air, which offers half the pressure points for half the money. Here, the battery is also smaller, so it needs to be charged after 12 hours, but we get tired even later, since we only have to carry 1.1 kg.
In addition to vests, the company also offers wristbands (3 pressure points, $200), gloves (6 pressure points, $250), headbands (4 pressure points, $149) and socks (3 pressure points, $250) for those who don’t want to pay for the Teslasuit Priced at $12,000.