Chaksha promises 30 million euros to increase teachers’ salaries from 2025

The Ministry of Education and Science will allocate 30 million euros, as specified in the budget for next year, to increase teachers’ salaries from January, the Minister of Education and Science told reporters There is Chaksha.

This means that teachers’ salaries will increase by 2.6% from 1 January 2025. Given that the tax changes will increase teachers’ net salaries by another 2.5%, the overall increase in teachers’ salaries could be 5%.

However, funds for the new funding model “Programme at School” have yet to be found. As previously reported, to implement the new model from 1 September 2025, the government will need to find an additional 35.5 million euros, and in 2026 and thereafter – 106.5 million euros annually.

At an extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers a week ago, a report on priority measures to be included in the draft law on the state budget was considered. It stated that funding of 30 million euros per year is provided for the salaries of teachers in the general education sector. This money could also be used to introduce the new funding model “Programme at School”.

At the beginning of the year, the lowest hourly rate for teachers in pre-school, general and vocational education institutions rose to 9.54 euros.
