Charges against an FRF observer, a former referee in Ligue 1

Almost 2 years have passed and the Justice has not yet made a final decision regarding the northerner who is accused of stealing wood from the school where he was the director!

If the director of the Izverna Secondary School was dismissed by the Minister of Education, Marian Balaci, former first-division referee, continues to be an observer of the Romanian Football Federation and president of the Mehedinți County Arbitration Commission.

The president of CJA Mehedinți and the president of AJF Mehedinți stand as observers at the matches in which their sons referee!

Much worse is that Mehedinți goes to the same team with his son Mario Balaci in League 4 and League 5 matches! The same thing is done by the observer Louis Moisescu, none other than AJF president Mehedinți! Practically, the two give passing marks, every time, to their children!

This is prohibited by ROAF! An observer has no right to be in the same brigade with a first degree relative. If they were still active referees, Moisescu and Balaci could referee together with their sons!

Asked why he delegates himself to matches in the same brigade as his son, Balaci gave a shocking answer: “The internal regulation of AJF Mehedinți allows us to be observers in the same brigade”.

However, our sources in AJF Mehedinți say that there is no internal regulation regarding this article!

Marian Balaci was and is also involved in Luceafărul Drobeta, now through his father. The children pay a monthly fee: “I have never seen a receipt!”

The same Marian Balaci was president of the Luceafărul Drobeta club in the period 2009-2022, although from 2021 he is president of CJA Mehedinți. Basically, he delegates his referees to the matches of the team he works for! Last year, after making his father, Costică Balaci, president of Luceafărul, he continued and still continues to act as the shadow president of the club, which is also registered in the National Junior Championship!

For example, last summer he was negotiating with a player the transfer from CFR ’43 Turnu Severin to Luceafărul! Much worse is that at Luceafărul Drobeta, the children’s parents have been paying a monthly fee for 15 years! All legal, except they never got a receipt! Many parents say it!

“Even Balaci got his hands on the money, but in general we gave the money to the coaches! I never saw a receipt!”says one of the parents, under the protection of anonymity.

Asked about this accusation, Balaci shocked again: “We have an accounting firm, ask there if money has been given.”

From our information, the parents did not give the money to the accountant, but directly to the former referee or the coaches! I also asked the accounting firm, and there is no receipt in the papers to show the exorbitant amounts paid by the parents over the last 15 years!

The former first-division referee has been under criminal investigation for almost 2 years, for stealing wood from the school where he was the director!

It is very serious that the former referee from the first league, now an observer of the FRF, Marian Balaci, is under criminal investigation for stealing wood from the Izverna Secondary School, where he had been appointed director, politically, by the PNL! When he was transporting wood from the yard of the respective school to his boarding house, the car was stopped by the police and a criminal case was filed!

Balaci was not the driver, but he stated that the director told him to take them to the guesthouse owned by him! For almost 2 years, the process has had dozens of postponements, most of them at the request of the lawyer who represents Marian Balaci!

Returning to Luceafărul, the club owned by the Balaci family, used and still uses the UEFA A license of Daniel Ispas, although he is not present at the matches! In other words, there is a licensed trainer on the report, but another trainer is sitting on the bench! And this contravenes the ROAF, and if this is proven, then the coach who alienated his license will have his coaching card cancelled, and the club will be severely sanctioned!

Balaci and Moisescu, referee observers at the matches in which the referees are Balaci and Moisescu!

Marian Balaci was a footballer at CS Severnav (League 3) and CSM Râmnicu Vâlcea (League 2). When he got injured, he was made referee overnight by Gheorghe Constantin, known in the football world as “Costică Vâlcea”. He went through all the stages and quickly ended up refereeing in League 1, where he had several matches with controversial referees! The most eloquent was Oțelul – Dinamo from 22.05.2013. And it’s not the only case! Gaz Metan called him Ceaușescu!

If Balaci will be convicted for wood theft, even with suspension, FRF and AJF Mehedinți must withdraw his capacity as an observer, respectively the president of the referees from Mehedinți!

For more than 5 years, Mehedințiul has had no referee at the national level, not even in League 3! Louis Moisescu was a League 3 referee and held various positions in AJF Mehedinți for the past 20 years: president of CJA, vice president of AJF, and has been president of AJF for three years.

  • Marian Balaci is delegated as a referee observer at a match that takes place today, September 20, in Râmnicu Vâlcea, between SCM Râmnicu Vâlcea and ACS Speed ​​Academy, from the 4th stage of League 3.
  • As at almost every stage, Louis Moisescu and Marian Balaci, the president of AJF and the president of CJA Mehedinți, respectively, are delegated as referee observers at their sons’ matches, in Liga 4 or Liga 4 Mehedinți. This action, which violates the rules and football ethics, is repeated on Sunday. Louis Moisescu is an observer at the game Viitorul Corcova – Viitorul Grozești (League 5), where Emanuel Moisescu is the referee, and Marian Balaci is an observer at the game CS Noapteșa – Recolta Dănceu (League 4), where the referee is Mario Balaci.

Photo: Balaci Mario and Luceafarul Drobeta Turnu Severin
