Cheating wife caught her husband in the act with his mistress and tried to hit him

The reaction of a cheated wife in Brazil who caught her husband with his girlfriend has gone viral.

She was banging the car in anger

The video, which is doing the rounds on the internet, was uploaded on social media by a passer-by who happened to be passing by on the street at the time and saw fit to film the whole scene.

The video shows the outraged reaction of the wife who has spotted her husband in his car with his illicit relationship after they left a luxury hotel in the city of Niteroi. The woman has initially “blocked” the road to her husband’s vehicle so that he cannot escape, although he appears to be trying to reverse in order to free himself.

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Then the woman gets out of the car and furiously starts banging on the driver’s side window. The man initially makes an attempt to get down to calm her down, but she continues undeterred. The man then gets back into his SUV and tries to drive away once more. Then the wife returns and in the midst of his screams bangs even harder on the window.

“Bastard, you ruined my life,” he is heard shouting among other things.

Husband sacked – He was a high-ranking local government official

As it turned out, the dashing husband wasn’t someone…. an ordinary citizen of the area, but a high-ranking official in a local Ministry, with a very good salary – as mentioned in the relevant reports. The car, in fact, which he used to convey his “feeling” was a company vehicle. It is noted that according to the law of the specific state, it is forbidden to make the vehicles available to the employees for personal use.

The director of the service where the man worked became aware of the incident, due to the publicity the video received, and proceeded to dismiss him from his position.

See the related video
