Chekalina admitted guilt during the first interrogation and then refused to testify –

Blogger Valeria Chekalina, known as Lerchek, confessed in the case of illegally transferring more than 250 million rubles abroad during the first interrogation, but then changed her mind, law enforcement agencies told TASS.

“Chekalina confessed in the case of carrying out currency transactions to transfer money from Russia to the accounts of non-residents using forged documents,” law enforcement agencies reported.

Earlier, the Troitsky Court of Moscow sent Chekalina under house arrest until November 26.

The ex-husband of the blogger Artyom Chekalin was given the same preventive measure.

The Chekalins could face up to ten years in prison, as well as a fine of up to 1 million rubles for currency transactions using forged documents.

The Chekalins were detained on October 3. According to the investigation, bloggers and their business partner were selling a fitness marathon, contracts were concluded with foreign legal entities, and the payment was transferred to the accounts of a foreign bank.

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