Ciolacu pleases Iohannis

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Friday, referring to the draft law that would allow President Klaus Iohannis to run for parliamentary elections, that a constitutional right should not be blocked, but it is important to respect the fundamental law.

“I will express myself within the PSD. I already called a meeting on Monday. I will talk to my colleagues and I will state my point of view very clearly within the party and the parliamentary groups. In principle, it is right that any person can be a candidate. No one should close a constitutional right. The most important thing is to respect the Constitution”, stated the Prime Minister, in a press statement held in Oradea, at the headquarters of the Prefect’s Institution.

Ciolacu mentioned that he “never” voted for Iohannis and will not do so either.

Asked if it would be normal that, in the event that Iohannis will run for the parliamentary elections, he would campaign from the position of the country’s president, Ciolacu replied: “I don’t know, ask him. Your Honor, I understand that he holds weekly press conferences. He goes on television and I think you will certainly be able to ask him”.

PNL parliamentarians Daniel Fenechiu and Gabriel Andronache submitted, on Wednesday, to the Parliament, a legislative proposal that allows the President of Romania to be able to run as an independent on the lists of a party or an alliance in the parliamentary elections, in the last three months of the mandate.

The project amends article 52 of the Law on the election of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

“The President of Romania, depending on the date of the election of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, if he is in the last 3 months of his mandate, can run as an independent candidate on the lists of a political party, a political alliance or an electoral alliance to obtain a senator’s or deputy’s mandate . If a senator or deputy is elected, the president of Romania is obliged, after validation, to choose between the quality of senator or deputy and that of president”, the draft states.
