Dr. Ciuhodaru
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Tudor Ciuhodaru drew attention to a hidden danger related to home-made alcoholic beverages, frequently consumed by Romanians during New Year’s parties. Although Tuica, pálinca and wine are traditional on holiday tables, the doctor points out that they can pose serious health risks.
One of the main reasons why home-made drinks can be dangerous is that they are often not prepared in hygienic conditions and do not meet food safety standards. These drinks may contain impurities or toxic substances such as methanol, which can cause severe intoxication. Also, some distillation or fermentation methods used at home are not regulated and can lead to the contamination of the drink with harmful substances.
Although these drinks are part of Romanian traditions, doctors recommend caution and attention to the source and the way they are prepared, to avoid health risks.
“We have to keep in mind that it is methyl alcohol poisoning that can be fatal. From such a problem you can go blind, you can die. Every person takes a major risk when they consume home-made alcoholic beverages.
Because if you don’t know how it’s made, let’s not forget pufoaica brandy, for example, or other inventions that have nothing to do with the meaning of a preparation distilled from fruits such as plums”, said doctor Tudor Ciuhodaru, for WOWbiz.ro.
Consumption comes with major risks
Apart from intoxication, the homemade drinks that many consume on New Year’s Eve can also lead to digestive problems. It is about ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis and more.
“There are major risks for our health, and we are not only talking about methyl alcohol poisoning, we are also talking about digestive damage, gastritis and ulcers. They, consumed in excess, predispose to such a thing.
You can also add digestive hemorrhages, pancreatitis, and poisoning with all kinds of substances that normally should not exist in these drinks. At the same time, they should be checked, let’s see exactly what concentrations are there”, added Tudor Ciuhodaru.
Source: www.doctorulzilei.ro