Civil Protection maintains the alert of the PROCICAT Plan for intense cold still next night and morning

Civil Protection of the Generalitat has this morning updated the alert of the PROCICAT Plan for a cold wave based on the new forecasts of the Meteorological Service of Catalonia. The episode of intense cold, which began on Monday, has recorded temperatures below 0º in many Catalan regions in recent nights and mornings, with particular incidence in the plains and deep valleys of the interior.

In some places, especially in Lleida and the Pyrenees, it has reached between -8º and -11º. Some examples of minimum temperatures last morning are: Das (-11); Meadows (-9.6); Raimat (-8.7); Oliola and Tremp (-8.4). Also in Ribera d’Ebre there were very prominent minimums last night, such as -7.7º in Benissanet and -5.4º in Ascó.

Looking ahead to next morning, the most prominent impact is expected in the regions of the plain of Lleida, the east of Central Catalonia and the north of the Terres de l’Ebre, but with a lower probability of exceeding the minimum temperatures of these points. You can consult the cold threshold in this link cold threshold

Municipalities are recommended to have heated spaces planned in case their use is necessary for the care of vulnerable people or risk groups such as babies, the elderly or people with cardiorespiratory diseases, homeless people, or people with physical disabilities or psychic

Faced with this cold wave, extreme caution is recommended in mobility in case of finding ice on the road. It is also necessary to take extreme precautions with heating devices in homes, and always ensure proper ventilation.

In cold weather days, remember to take care of relatives and neighbors over 75 who live alone or are in a vulnerable situation. Dress in appropriate clothing and footwear for cold temperatures. Wear several layers to keep your body warm for longer and protect your face and head and prevent cold air from entering your lungs directly. Consult the advice of Civil Protection against cold waves.

Early warning plan NEUCAT

From tomorrow, Thursday, from midday until Friday morning, an episode of snow accumulation of more than 10cm is expected at altitudes above 900 meters in Selva, Garrotxa, Ripollès and Osona, which is why put the NEUCAT plan on pre-alert.

In the counties of Garrotxa, Selva and Osona, the warning will mainly affect the area of ​​the Transversal mountain range and Ripollès in the east of the county. The snow level will fluctuate around 800 meters although it can sporadically drop to 600.

It is recommended to follow the forecasts of the Meteorological Service and the state of traffic before traveling through these regions, and to bring a well-equipped vehicle.

Early warning plan PROCICAT swell

Civil Protection has also put the PROCICAT plan on pre-alert due to the forecast of strong waves especially from this evening and until tomorrow at noon almost along the entire Catalan coast. The height of 2.5 meters can be exceeded and there will be a noticeable bottom sea with an eastern component. Be very careful with activities that take place on the coast, and do not go near where the waves break.
