Classes resume. What holidays do students have until the end of the school year

The next holiday will come in February when students will have a week off from February 10th to March 2nd. The exact date will be determined by each school inspectorate.

After this period, the children will go to school until the Easter holidays, scheduled between April 18 and 27.

The big holiday will start on June 20 and end on September 7.

This school year, the special programs “School differently” and “Green Week” will take place between September 9, 2024 and May 30, 2025. Each school will choose five consecutive days for these activities, provided that they are in different periods.

In exceptional cases, determined by special conditions or local specifics, schools can ask the inspectorates to modify this calendar. However, any change must comply with two essential conditions: the full completion of the subject and ensuring the participation of all students in the national exams.

(source: AFP)

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