CMF, a brand under Nothing, has launched a new smartwatch, the CMF Watch Pro 2, which is the second smartwatch from the company. It has a circular body design, uses aluminum alloy, and is notable for its removable bezel. The strap is 22mm and comes in both leather and rubber straps.
The front of the watch uses a 1.32-inch AMOLED panel screen with a resolution of 466×466 pixels, a maximum refresh rate of 60Hz, and a brightness of 620nits. You can change the design of the watch face up to 100 types and customize the widget as you like.
There are over 120 exercise modes to choose from. The device is IP68 water and dust proof and comes with Multi-System GPS, making it suitable for water exercise and adventurous activities in the forest. Meanwhile, health tracking includes 24-hour heart rate measurement, sleep tracking, SpO2, etc.
Making and receiving calls can be done immediately from the CMF Watch Pro 2. It has an AI microphone that supports 3 Noise Reduction and a speaker. As for battery life, it can last up to 11 days with general use and 9 days with heavy use. Not only that, it also has a Power Saving Mode that lasts up to 45.8 days.
The CMF Watch Pro 2 was initially launched in India and Globally, with 4 color options: Dark Grey, Light Grey, Orange, and Blue (India-exclusive). The starting price is 4,299 rupees or about 1850 baht only. As for sales in Thailand, it should follow soon along with the CMF Phone 1.