Since the beginning of the year, several mass deaths of wild game and migratory birds have been registered in the vicinity of Kikinda, and the cause is usually poisoning by means used in crop protection. That’s why the campaign to collect that dangerous packaging is being carried out these days.
Packaging of pesticides, herbicides and toxic agents used in the control of agricultural production often carelessly end up next to plots, roads, irrigation canals and arable fields, which in the long term leads to poisoning of game and destruction of fertile land. In Kikinda, the local secretariat for ecology organized the collection of this hazardous waste.
“It is alarming that what we have now in our fields, i.e. in our atar, is that this packaging is thrown uncontrolled into the canals, that it is burned uncontrolled by the roads, in our fields and in this way we do not take any serious account and bring are in an alarming situation as far as ecology is concerned,” says Ranko Orestija, a farmer from Kikinda.
“So that the atar does not look like a landfill, that there are no bottles, bottles of poison floating in the canals, that our game is not endangered, the ecosystem is not endangered, and in the future I will also make an effort to participate in these actions,” said Dušan Tomić, a farmer from Russian village.
It is planned that such actions are organized periodically with education on how to properly treat and dispose of environmentally hazardous waste. In the future, seo will also talk about this topic in primary schools.
“This is the beginning of the activity, first of all on education about how important, that is, how harmful it is to dispose of this type of packaging in an inadequate way, and then how to properly dispose of hazardous waste, because the content of packaging waste itself is concentrated and very dangerous for the environment , as well as for people’s health,” said Miroslava Narandžić from the Secretariat for Ecology of the city of Kikinda.
The analysis of the Serbian Association for Sustainable Agriculture and Plant Protection shows that in the previous half decade, an average of more than 32 tons of this hazardous waste was collected in this way every year.
Source: RTS