COMMENTARY Lelia Munteanu: The world – a chessboard on which the pieces establish their own rules

COMMENTARY Lelia Munteanu: The world – a chessboard on which the pieces establish their own rules

The world is a chessboard on which the pieces set their own rules.

COMMENTARY Lelia Munteanu: The world – a chessboard on which the pieces establish their own rules

I have continuously followed, in the last tens of hours, the escalations in Lebanon. The Middle East is on the edge of the abyss. A single hasty movement can topple him, dragging the entire map with him. Whoever believes that an armed conflict is taking place between the Netanyahu Government and Hizballah in the backyard of history is sorely mistaken.

In a few more hours, at 4 p.m. Romanian time, I will turn my gaze in the right direction: President Joe Biden’s speech before the UN General Assembly, the last of his mandate addressed to the plenary session of the most important international organization. A supposedly universal organization in a world of quicksand where nations are more disunited than they have ever been in recent history.

The world is a chessboard on which the pieces set their own rules.

The UN Charter is systematically ignored, with diplomatic grace. Confusion and impotence took root in the General Assembly and the Security Council. In the contradictory conflicts that grind the world today, it is difficult to give complete justice to one or the other of the parties.

But the speech of the president of the United States is important, even if, regarding the Middle East, we are in the tenth hour. The gong of the twelfth may no longer be heard in the region. It is the last chance for the president of the only state that would have had the power and means to de-escalate things, to come up with a solution that would bring the belligerents back from the edge of the abyss. If he tells us again that he looks with concern, very soon what he looks with concern will no longer exist.
