Companies invited to define their exceptional profits to better share them

Companies with more than 50 employees were required to open negotiations on the definition of exceptional profits before July 1. An obligation to negotiate, and not to reach an agreement, which will keep them busy until the end of the year.

A case-by-case definition

It is the increase in net taxable profit that will be examined. “Its definition cannot be the same for all companies, it depends on past performance”comments Vincent Delage, lawyer at CMS Francis Lefebvre Avocats. If the profit increases by 10% on average over ten years, a 20% increase is exceptional. Whereas if it increases by 20% every year, a rate of 25% will not be. “In some companies, a 10% increase in profits may be exceptional, employees should not accept an unattainable rate”met en garde Elsa Costanzo, de Syndex.
