COMPLETE CHAOS: The workers answered Mrkela – “Mitar Mrkela is the initiator of the incident!” (VIDEO) – Domestic football, Football

The “war” with announcements continues.

The duel between Radnički 1923 from Kragujevac and Crvena zvezda was marked by chaos, which was caused by the home fans.

They put a large number of pyrotechnic devices on the field, but also in the Zvezda lodge. That’s when the sports director of the “red and whites”, Mitar Mrkela, was injured.

You can read Mrkelino’s announcement regarding that situation – HERE.

After Mrkela spoke, now Radnički did the same, and we are transmitting the announcement in its entirety:

Radnicki 1923 v Crvena Zvezda Serbian Super League 2024 2025

– Although we wanted to remain silent in accordance with our previous manners and the size of the club, which requires caution and gentlemanliness when it comes to public statements, this time we have to speak out and express our regret that an official of such a large club gave himself the right to he misleads the people with untruths and at the same time speaks so rudely and arrogantly and casts a shadow on our club, fans and coach.

He is not Radnički Kragujevac Žiovani Gali, so Mitar Mrkela is so afraid of him. And Mitar Mrkela is not a Red Star either, but just a passer-by through the rich history of the Maracana club.

This time too, as we have never done before, we will not talk about the reasons why we did not get to kick the goal. And we won’t talk about cards, penalties and expulsions from this match either, since that was never our manner, primarily out of respect for ourselves, as well as for Red Star as a club, the Football Association of Serbia and the Referee Commission.

It is true that, as Mr. Mrkela says, we did not kick on goal, it is also true that we were eliminated from Europe by Mornar, which still hurts us, but the painful and undeniable truth is that Mr. Mitar Mrkela is the sole initiator of the incident that happened on Sunday.

We remind the sporting director of Crvena zvezda about his ill-mannered and inappropriate gesticulation directed at the fans of Radnički after Zvezda’s winning goal. We regret that a man of serious position and even more serious age allowed himself to show the middle finger to fans from the box of the stadium and simulate scenes of sexual intercourse inappropriate for a hooligan, let alone an official of such a club.

It is also possible to see in the video footage where Mitar Mrkela caused a revolt with a primitive outburst. And why did middle-aged people and sympathizers lose their tempers watching the simple behavior of Zvezda’s director. Did he expect flowers?

We do not condone pyrotechnics in the stands, as well as violent behavior, and we appeal to our fans to refrain from it. We accept responsibility for the firecracker that fell on the field and we as a club will bear the consequences from which we will not run away. But we also demand that Mr. Mrkela bear the consequences for misconduct and provoking 3,000 people, because of which he put 12 members of the Zvezda delegation and 24 members of the Radnicki delegation in danger. Including the girl he mentions in the announcement, who is the daughter of our CEO. And which is not hurt! In this way, we ask Mitra Mrkela not to use a child for the purpose of misleading and replacing theses, because such manipulations for propaganda purposes are characteristic of weaklings who have no place in sports.

PHOTO: FK Crvena zvezda

We are horrified by the claims of hatred and hostility, as we welcomed the Zvezda management warmly as always. This time with congratulations for entering the Champions League and we note that the same Feđa Dudić in particular congratulated the entry into the Champions League to Mrkela himself in the tunnel before the game, to Vladan Milojević during the greeting before the game itself, and finally in front of the cameras of Arena Sport in a statement after the game which the wide audience of viewers in Serbia could be convinced of. “We didn’t even think to bring flowers,” because we don’t know about the practice of making parades and ceremonies for the opponent’s placement in the Champions League across Europe with official announcers. I guess it’s sportsmanship enough to congratulate the manager, coach and fans via live television?

Our club emphasizes a good game, a fair-play fight, and not gifts and greetings. Šumadija hospitality comes exclusively from the heart, within the limits of our budget.

With the above facts, we present to the public that Mrkela’s statement is frivolous and false, as is his intention to belittle the club, the city and the fans, and to characterize the coach of our team without any need in a way that has no cover.

So far, no one has had any objections to our households. Perhaps a bigger problem than our home atmosphere is that Mrkela Mitar, in his arrogance, has lost the sense of what it is like to be a guest in Serbian football, and more importantly – to behave like a guest. We are proud of Radnički, Kragujevac and Šumadija, where every opponent is welcome, but as a guest.

We hereby invite Mitar Mrkela to submit and state a statement before or after the match of the 7th round between Radnički and Zvezda in which the coach of our club showed any disrespect, let alone something else towards Crvena Zvezda?

Radnicki 1923 v Crvena Zvezda Serbian Super League 2024 2025
Radnicki 1923 v Crvena Zvezda Serbian Super League 2024 2025

So, facts and arguments, instead of manipulations and low passions, Mr. Miter Mrkela.

At the very end, but by no means the least important, we want to emphasize that we Kragujevacs, with all our “complexes” as Mrkela says, consider the city of Djakovica a holy Serbian land and we are very glad that Mrkela compared us to it. It is very difficult for us that at the moment there are no matches organized by FSS in Djakovica, but we are living for the day when we will again play official matches within FSS competitions, both in Djakovica and in the entire territory of our southern Serbian province. We live for the day when that happens.

To his credit, as well as the entire public performance that does not befit the function of such a serious club.

We thank Red Star for the points it brings to Serbian football in Europe and wish it much success in the upcoming European matches. And that they have much more luck than our team in the match against Mornar.

With this announcement, we put an end to this topic and turn to the work on our stadium, which we are completely reconstructing thanks to the help of the State of Serbia, to which we are immensely grateful, and we turn to the obligations regarding the same, which is why we were not able to answer Mr. Mrkela earlier and remind him on behavior from Sunday’s game. – stated in the press release of Radničko in 1923.
