Constructed a prototype of a revolutionary battery for electric cars

European scientists claim to have made significant progress in batteries for electric cars. The prototype, which was developed in Belgium, promises significantly higher energy density and greater range – all with lower production costs.

A new lithium-metal battery, developed with the participation of the Swiss Federal Institute for Materials Testing and Research (EMPA), could dramatically improve the range of electric cars. The prototype, which was manufactured in Belgium, offers 1070 Wh/L, which is 20 percent higher than the energy density achieved by today’s batteries, according to HAK magazine.

In the new battery, the liquid electrolyte is replaced by a solid material, which enables greater efficiency. This innovation could soon make conventional lithium-ion batteries obsolete and thus raise electromobility to a new level. The development was anything but simple, years of research within the EU project SOLiDIFY were needed to find the right materials and technologies. Progress has been achieved through optimized coating techniques and structural innovations. The SOLiDIFY battery uses a thick cathode of high energy density made of nickel, manganese and cobalt and a lithium metal anode and a solid electrolytic separator with thin profiles.

The new battery can be produced at room temperature and adapts to existing production lines. With estimated costs of less than 150 euros per kilowatt hour, it is also financially attractive, a technology of the future that could soon become a reality.

Finally, there is good news from Europe, the battery market is dominated by the Chinese, Koreans and Japanese.


