Construction industry in May: Growth in the number of issued permits

During May 2024, 2,461 building permits were issued in Serbia, which is 2.4% more than in the same month last year, the Republic’s Statistical Office announced. Of the total number of issued permits, 81.8% refer to buildings, while the remaining 18.2% include other construction objects.

Illustration (Photo: Pexels)

When only buildings are analyzed, 78.5% of permits were issued for residential buildings, while 21.5% belong to non-residential buildings. Among other construction facilities, the largest part is made up of pipelines, communication and electrical lines, with a share of 67.4%.

According to the data from the permits issued in May 2024, it is planned construction of 2,468 apartmentswith an average area of ​​76.9m2. Of the total number of apartments in new residential buildings, 15.4% will be built in buildings with one apartment, the average area of ​​which will be 153.3m2. The majority of apartments, 82.2% to be exact, will be built in buildings with three or more apartments, with an average area of ​​61.1m2.

Of the total value of the planned works, 83.1% refers to new construction. The greatest construction activity is expected in the Južnobačka region, with 22.3% of the total estimated value of the works. They are followed by Mačva region with 17.4%, Belgrade region with 14.3%, Srem region with 9.9% and Šumadija region with 6.0%. The share of other areas ranges up to 4.1%.
