Corning waives all exclusivity

At the beginning of the EU investigation phase, Corning, the manufacturer of Gorilla Glass, offered to remove the clauses from its agreements with mobile manufacturers that provided the company with any exclusivity over its competitors, reports the Reuters reporting.

With this, the company can escape the European Commission’s extensive competition law investigation, which would probably have resulted in the imposition of a hefty fine. The Commission has now given competitors six weeks to itemize the measures included in Corning’s voluntary commitments and provide further feedback on them. The EU’s competition law body will then make a final decision on whether the voluntary commitments are sufficient to resolve competition law concerns.

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The Commission’s attention was drawn to the deals between the cellphone makers and the raw glass company in early November, when it emerged that the glass maker was entering into agreements with smartphone makers that required the device makers to source “almost all” of their glass from Corning. The manufacturer could also make exclusivity contracts more attractive with discounts.

Corning’s aluminosilicate glass is widely used by most major mobile phone manufacturers, including Samsung and Apple, and the company has built market dominance over the years by building a number of discounts and customer obligations into its supplier contracts that go beyond the industry standard. on the applied volume discounts system.
