Corruption network at the border: Policemen from Satu Mare, suspected of receiving bribes

Corruption network at the border: Policemen from Satu Mare, suspected of receiving bribes

Several border police officers from Satu Mare are suspected of having received money from transporters of vehicles, fruits and vegetables to allow them to enter the country without ANAF control.

Corruption network at the border: Policemen from Satu Mare, suspected of receiving bribes

The judicial police officers of the Satu Mare General Anti-Corruption Directorate, on the delegation and under the coordination of the case prosecutor from the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Satu Mare Court, with the support of the corresponding authorities in Hungary, carried out, on Friday, house searches at seven locations located in Satu County Mare, two of which are headquarters or workplaces of legal entities.

The actions took place in the framework of a criminal case concerning crimes of bribery and bribery.

From the investigations it was found that employees of the Border Police at the Petea Border Crossing Point received sums of money from transporters of vehicles, fruits and vegetables, thus allowing them to enter the country by avoiding the control carried out by ANAF. Also, carriers passing through this point offered sums of money to the border police to avoid these controls.

During the searches, several goods and documents were seized which are suspected to be related to the commission of the mentioned crimes.

At the same time, 6 arrest warrants were issued for the suspects.
