CP begins strike this Thursday but minimum services have not yet been announced

CP – Trains of Portugal alerted its customers to disruptions between October 24th and November 3rd, with particular incidence on October 31, due to a strike called by the Itinerant Commercial Review Railway Union (SFRCI).

The Itinerant Commercial Review Railway Union (SFRCI) called partial strikes, lasting two hours at the start of each shift, between October 24th and November 3rd, with a 24-hour strike on October 31st.

On the 29th, 30th and 31st of October, “disruptions to Regional, Interregional, urban services in Coimbra and Urban services in Porto” are expected. notify CP.

On October 31st, when there is a total shutdown for 24 hours, severe disruptions are expected in all services (Alfa Pendular, Intercidades, Regional/InterRegional, Urbanos and Internacional Celta), including some the following day.

Although minimum services have been defined, they have not yet been announced. Contacted by Renaissancea CP source assures that the defined minimum services will be known this afternoon.

“On other days there may be occasional disruptions, particularly in the Urban Lisbon and Intercidades Lisbon – Algarve services”, says the company in a note published on the website.

The strikes are motivated by non-compliance with the agreement they signed in July last year with the operator.

The protest has to do with remuneration, with workers demanding the transport voucher bonus and availability for the base salary, which would bring them advantages.

Source: rr.sapo.pt