Criminal charges are pouring in because of the City Cemetery in Banja Luka

19.09.2024. / 16:17

BANJALUKA – Criminal charges regarding the City Cemetery were filed by both Draško Stanivuković, the mayor of Banja Luka, and Ratko Jokić and Željko Grbić, former directors of the City Cemetery.

Photo: A. Čavić

Stanivuković filed criminal charges against, as he says, the responsible persons, in connection with numerous irregularities in the company Gradsko groblje during the previous management, they write Independent newspaper.

He pointed out that everything is clear in this case, both on the basis of the evidence attached to the criminal complaint, and on the basis of the statement of former director Željko Grbić.

“This director who did this admitted it yesterday in a statement to the media. He said he was filling up the fuel and the pump attendant was a little off, but he didn’t say he had been doing it for six years. We submit the statements of the witnesses from the gas station, who dissociated themselves from the director’s statements and said that it was the director of the City Cemetery who requested that the fuel be credited to that company.”he said.

He notes that in six years fuel was poured in the amount of 367,000 KM, of which at least 180,000 KM was poured for private purposes.

“It’s unbelievable. A similar situation exists in connection with the purchase of a burial plot in the name of the daughter, which was later resold at six times the price.”Stanivuković stated.

Ratko Jokić from the Socialist Party of Srpska addressed the mayor of Banja Luka, Draško Stanivuković, against whom he filed a criminal complaint with the District Public Prosecutor’s Office in Banja Luka.

“Functions are transient, but shame is eternal. In 17 days you will lose the position of mayor of Banja Luka, but you will have to live with shame for the rest of your life. With your dishonorable deeds, you showed that we, honorable people, are the ones who will always walk in Banja Luka with our heads held high. I acted as a citizen and submitted a criminal complaint to the District Public Prosecutor’s Office in Banja Luka against outgoing mayor Draško Stanivuković. Ratko Jokić told Draško Stanivuković.

We remind you that Grbić filed a criminal complaint against Stanivuković with the District Public Prosecutor’s Office for, as he stated, the defamation and lies he told in public. Independent newspaper
