Criminals with brain implants suddenly become honest people

Security experts have no doubt that we are now at the threshold of a time a gigantic increase in crime. More and more European prisons are already overcrowded, this is only the beginning of this process. This is to be the effect of many countries, which are, among others, the aftermath of the pandemic, climate change, the war in Ukraine and new conflicts that will soon engulf the world.

Scientists at the University of Sydney have a solution for overloaded prisons. They have been working on a special implant that can magically transform a criminal into an honest and exemplary citizen. It may seem completely abstract, and even sound controversial, but the priority is the goal, i.e. more efficient functioning of society. This vision is to become a reality in a few years.

Researchers from Kangaroo Country are already cooperating with companies that are developing implants and brain-computer interfaces. One of them is the famous Neuralink owned by Elon Musk. The billionaire is already testing his implant placed in the human brain and it is bringing very interesting results. Musk announces that his technology will allow paralyzed people to regain mobility and improve the quality of life of those struggling with Parkinson’s disease.

However, the next goal is to be able to delete memories and control the parts of the brain responsible for mental illness, aggression or other pathological behaviors. Scientists in Australia already have a large database of human brains, including criminals. They intend to use this to improve such devices for the good of humanity.

The data could be used to develop an implant aimed at controlling so-called “criminal thoughts.” Researchers suggest that this technology will allow turn criminals into normal people and finally increase the effectiveness of the resocialization process of convicts. In other words, after the implant is applied, they will no longer enter the criminal path and will not return to prisons, they will only go to psychiatric check-ups from time to time.

Interestingly, such visions However, human rights activists condemn it. According to them, population control will reach a new, dangerous level. This will generate further problems. Namely, there is a huge danger that thanks to this technology, criminal groups will be able to control their victims in a much easier way, for example by erasing their memories and locking them in a trap with no way out.

Meanwhile, scientists from Australia are already testing their inventions and they fulfill the hopes placed in them. It is not yet known when such devices, which transform criminals into honest and friendly people, will be widely used, but researchers suggest that it is not a thing of the future.
