Crowd of people at the E.E.A.’s Halloween celebration. –

A sea of ​​people from young and old carnival-goers as well as citizens who wanted to enjoy the carnival celebration of the Athens Chamber of Commerce, flooded Syntagma Square on the afternoon of the last Sunday of Carnival, March 17.

Stilt walkers, jugglers, acrobats, a Brazilian dance troupe with impressive costumes reminiscent of the Rio Carnival and people of all ages, passed through the streets of the historic shopping center and ended up in Monastiraki Square, under the Holy Rock of the Acropolis, where an impressive stage had been set up with a platform, a giant screen, music from DJs and open shops.

The presenters of the big event, Ioanna Maleskus and Thanos Vagios, set the pace and the people who had filled the square had fun with the carnival events.

Shortly before the climax of the carnival events, the President of the E.E.A., Yiannis Hatzitheodosiou and the Mayor of Athens, Haris Doukas, went up to the platform for a short greeting.

Mr. Hatzitheodosiou expressed his joy at the participation of so many people in the great celebration, referred to the decision of the Chamber of Commerce to revive the carnival events that took place several years ago with a focus on Plaka and praised the cooperation with the Municipality of Athens for the organization of the this year’s big celebration. At the same time, inviting Haris Doukas for further cooperation, he emphasized the intention of the E.E.A. for richer carnival events next year. “Next year we will organize the biggest carnival ever held in Athens”, underlined the President of the Chamber.

Mr. Doukas spoke about the Municipality’s Halloween activities in 55 neighborhoods of Athens and committed to similar events in the future.

Monastiraki Square, a historical point of the city that is constantly being upgraded through the program of the E.E.A. “Agora Athens”, hosted for hours the big Halloween party organized by the Chamber with the support of the Municipality of Athens and OPANDA.

Among those present were the Vice-Presidents of the E.E.A., Nikos Grendzelos and Nikos Koyoumtsis, the President of “Arogos Consultative Developmental Non-Profit Urban Company EEA” and member of the Board of Directors. of EEA Dimitris Vardakostas, the member of the Board of Directors and President of the Chamber’s Committee of Brokers, Anastasios Kaukaletos, the E.E.A.’s program manager, Syros Koskovolis, as well as Chamber employees.
