“CTV is a new territory for brands in terms of media investments” – TV > Media

Benjamin Bergé, managing director and Cécile Oumansour, head of strategic planning at the Mozoo agency, provide an overview of the market and the challenges of CTV which blur the boundaries between players in TV, the web and social platforms. .

What is your assessment of the CTV market, the players involved, and the challenges of the sector?

Benjamin Bergé: CTV, from a truly practical point of view, is a television connected to the Internet which allows the broadcasting of video content. And so, it’s a fast-growing market. More and more homes are equipped with Smart TVs. They can connect to the Internet via TV and via TV boxes. It’s a safe bet that within a few years everyone will have a TV connected to the Internet either via their operator, their Internet service provider, or directly via their Smart TV. For too long we have predicted the death of traditional, linear TV, saying that it was a dinosaur. The Internet and social networks have changed everything and we are witnessing a sort of comeback of television thanks to connected TV. The world of classic TV and the world of social networks are coming together… A figure that we like to highlight to illustrate this is the following: every month there are 20 million people watching YouTube on their TV. A new consumption of TV is taking place thanks to connected TV. As proof, I want the famous report “Kaizen” de Inoxtagwhich was much talked about and has over 36 million views on YouTube. Half of these spectators watched the film on TV.

Cécile Oumansour : Yes, TV is making a comeback, and even more so via connected TV. We are therefore witnessing a kind of movement. Platforms like YouTube are becoming major players in television. On the one hand, platforms are becoming TV channels. Tomorrow, we can bet that TikTok will also be featured on TV. And conversely there are also broadcasters, TV channels which themselves become platforms. Canal, as we have known for a long time, created My Canal, TF1 launched TF1+, etc.

In this market, many players are present – you talked about it – platforms, social networks, so-called traditional players too… Who will do best in the game, according to you?

Benjamin Bergé: What is interesting is to note that there is a huge number of competitors. Between linear, non-linear, what we call fast, SVOD platforms, DTT, all the players like Netflix, PrimeVidéo, Paramount, the number of players is considerable, around fifty at least. Ce The market therefore remains ultra-competitive. Another interesting phenomenon to observe is that of the “button war”! More and more, we see it on remote controls, consumers have access to buttons to directly access Netflix, Rakuten TV, etc. The competition is fierce to be present on the operators’ mosaic, on their home pages, and those of the boxes…

Cécile Oumansour : YouTube today is very present on Smart TVs. Recently, Elon Musk also announced the deployment in beta version of a new application for Smart TV called XTV, and which is intended to be an additional step in the service transition of X. I would not be surprised if TikTok followed this trend. All these social platforms want to be present on CTV!

We no longer oppose digital and television, since in fact these two worlds now mix, organize and structure themselves to be able to be present on this television screen which despite everything remains the preferred screen (Cécile Oumansour).

If we look at it from the point of view of CMOs… How can you tame this new territory and make it as relevant as possible for your brand?

Benjamin Bergé: What is exciting is that we see in the figures that there is a new playing field for advertisers and that there is a majority of them (83% of European advertisers) who have intend to increase their spending on CTV platforms. And this is in addition to the investments made in traditional TV. This is truly new territory for brands in terms of media investments. I think we’re going to be in an AB testing phase over the next few months. What is quite exciting is that even in the metrics that advertisers will target, we are moving away from classic TV with GRPs which are complex to understand and we are going to return to more classic CPM by differentiating between CTV and segmented advertising.

The fact that our screens are connected to the Internet allows us to go much further in targeting audiences, we will be able to address another complementary notion of connected TV which is segmented TV. What also interests us, and in particular to support our clients at the agency, is to be able to understand changes in terms of use and behavior. The way of consuming content is evolving on this screen and is completely different from digital. Attention is much higher where on digital, we will work on what we call “stop scrollers”. In CTV, attention rises to more than 12 seconds is five times more than digital.

Cécile Oumansour : The way of approaching the content is not at all the same and we also have a different way of consuming this content. Consumption is in fact a little less individualistic there. Where on the smartphone, consumption is obviously individual, on TV, we return to a more collective consumption of content, family or between friends. The messages are not going to be the same… Before, TV was a passive medium. Today, we can create more interactive formats. The remote control allows us to interact with certain formats, we find des QR codes on advertisements to personalize the experience or extend the experience. CTV and TV also provide a new form of advertising for advertisers, with formats that are not only more interactive, more targeted, but also that we will be able to duplicate and use on other platforms.

Among the interesting examples we can cite the Citroën campaign with personalized advertising which allowed access to a configurator to personalize your model or sign up for a vehicle test.

Can you tell us about your agency, Mozoo, and its ambitions?

Benjamin Bergé: In a few words, at Mozoo, we present ourselves as a creative content factory. Our job is to support brands and advertisers in the creation and production of content for their entire brand ecosystem. And we realize that brands today have a very strong injunction to create a lot of content to nourish their entire ecosystem. One of our priority subjects is to support them on CTV. We talk about content factory, because there is a rationale for cost rationalization. We are working on the creative concept and its implementation on all platforms, including TikTok, Instagram, etc. The content factory model is increasingly popular among advertisers who create their own content factory because they have hundreds, even thousands, of content to create on a daily basis to feed the algorithms which are very “video-intensive” in particular. So we have this role of outsourced content factory for our clients…

Source: www.e-marketing.fr