Customers rush to Ica – here is the product that creates chaos

It happens several times that a product becomes extremely popular and customers rush to the stores to manage to get their hands on the product.

Bub’s candies are out of stock

News24 has previously written about Bub’s candy, which has become so popular that there is now a shortage in the Swedish grocery stores.

According to Joanna Mossberg, communications manager at Orkla, which in turn owns Bubs, they made a growth of almost 50 percent during the last year.

– There is a huge interest and craving for Bub’s sweets. During the last year, Bubs had a growth of almost 50 percent. It is of course incredibly fun, but it makes it difficult to keep up with the high demand from consumers in terms of production, says Joanna Mossberg to Nyheter24.

DON’T MISS: Then Bub’s candy will return to the stores

Photo: Orkla/Press image

Customers rush to the store – here is the product that creates chaos

Now customers are once again rushing to the grocery stores. This time it is the so-called “godisdadeln”, i.e. flavored dates, that attracts.

Several stores now testify to increased sales of the dates in the past year and at Ica sales have even doubled, according to P4 Seven-way.

Axfood has increased sales by 30 percent and at Coop the hysteria is the same, everyone wants to buy the candy dates.

– There is a very, very high demand, and when new flavors come out, then it tends to run out, and everyone wants to buy and try the new flavors, says Sandra Arvidsson, operations manager at a store in Borås, to P4 Seven-way.

READ MORE: Popular items sold out in several stores – here’s why

READ MORE: Here, the elderly are no longer allowed to shop at Ica – that’s the reason
