A cyber attack hit the websites of Malpensa and Milan-Linate airports and the portal of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs this morning. The pro-Russian hacker group NoName057(16) claimed responsibility for the action on Telegram, causing the affected web pages to become inaccessible.
The incident highlights the growing threat to the cybersecurity of Italy’s critical infrastructures. Despite the attack, the airport authorities have ensured that flight operations were not affected. However, users have experienced difficulties accessing information on arrivals and departures.
The authorities are already working to contain the problem.
The hacker collective stated: “Italian Russophobes receive a well-deserved cyber response”also claiming attacks on the sites of Siena Mobilità, GTT (Gruppo Trasporti Torino) and Federtrasporto. The action appears to have been carried out using DDoS techniques (Distributed Denial of Service), overloading servers with massive access requests.
For those who don’t know, a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack is a hostile attempt to block a server’s normal trafficr, service or network by overwhelming the victim or the surrounding infrastructure by flooding it with Internet traffic. DDoS attacks achieve effectiveness by leveraging multiple compromised computer systems as attack sources.
The National Anti-Cyber Crime Center for the Protection of Critical Infrastructures (CNAIPIC) of the Postal Police has started investigations to identify those responsible and support recovery of affected systems. Experts are working with site managers to mitigate damage and restore services.
This attack fits into the context of growing tension in cyberspace, with pro-Russian hacker groups increasingly active against targets in Europe and the United States. The diversification of targets, which includes local transport infrastructure as well as government and airport sites, demonstrates a strategy aimed at targeting key sectors of the country.
The incident highlights the importance of strengthening national cyber defenses and the need for international cooperation to counter cyber threats, particularly those from groups with political affiliations.
Source: www.tomshw.it