Cybercrime Prosecution intervention on threatening videos and hate messages on TikTok

The intervention of the Electronic Crime Prosecution was caused by the hundreds of threatening videos circulating in the last 24 hours on TikTok, after the brutal beating of the 14-year-old girl in Glyfada.

According to information, by order of the Minister of Citizen Protection, Michalis Chrysochoidis, the Prosecution of Electronic Crime has intervened, and a letter has been sent to the TikTok platform, in order to delete the videos in question that issue threats to the alleged perpetrators of the attack against 14-year-old, as they incite acts of violence.

At the same time, the Cybercrime Prosecution investigates the profiles of the users who post the threatening videos, to clarify whether they are real or fake accounts.

The announcement of EL.AS.

“Regarding the case of rape against a 14-year-old girl, the Electronic Crime Prosecution Directorate has received several videos that have been posted on social media. These videos violate privacy laws and contain content that encourages acts of violence. In this context, an ex officio investigation has been launched to identify the people involved in the incident, as well as to reveal the details of the administrators of the profiles related to the posts. The findings of the investigation are forwarded to the competent Prosecution Authority, while at the same time the procedures for updating the platform have been initiated, with the aim of removing the videos in question”.

TikTok is an “arena” for minors after the beating of the 14-year-old

As revealed yesterdayTikTok in the last 24 hours has turned into an informal ring, with protagonists mostly minors, who throw threats, drag, expose and publish sensitive personal data, such as phone numbers and addresses of people allegedly involved in the incident with the brutal beating of the 14-year-old.

“How do you feel that all of Greece is looking for you to beat you?”

As you can see in the photos published yesterday by from videos that have been posted in the last 24 hours on TikTok, dozens of minors write “I. (minor’s name is mentioned) how do you feel that all of Greece is looking for you?”.

This particular girl, after the beating of the 14-year-old, is the “main target” of minor users of the well-known application, as, according to what they initially believed, she was the one who beat the 14-year-old, a fact which she denies. They may have later accepted her claim, but the girl’s harassment has not stopped – up to the moment this text is being written -, as she is now being accused of remaining apathetic in the face of the 14-year-old’s beating.

“Now that we know her address, she’s going to die”

In thousands of terrifying comments written on specific posts, including I.’s phone number and address. “Now that we know her address, she’s going to die”. “She will feel pain just like the innocent girl.” “All of Greece will bore you and we will laugh, as you used to laugh.” “Make your cross that we don’t find you.” “Say flour, all of Greece is turning to you.” “Anyone who wants, let’s give an insta for a team so we can find the girls who went to the 14-year-old 30v1 (s.s. 30 vs. 1).

“I didn’t do anything, I just looked”

I., for her part, claims via video that she was not the one who beat the 14-year-old, but was a few meters away from the incident, responding to the underage users who accuse her of “having a problem” and “so you understand, I did nothing but look at the scenery. Stop commenting without knowing”, while in another comment she wrote that she did not expect that someone would hit the 14-year-old.

Portion of users who appear as supporters of I. in this “arena” which is now out of controlwrites that “the 14-year-old was not teased by I.. The girl was teased because she cursed “dead” and provoked people. They didn’t break up because it was arranged.”
