The creators did not like YouTube’s monopoly and its saturation with advertising. Therefore, they created their own video server, which will partially compete with it, but rather it will be a community project.
Authors Zdenek Kreml a Jiří Eischmann used ownership of the domain. Dead for many years, the VHS recording medium (production ends, Alien comes out) is now experiencing a slight renaissance, and there is a chance that even younger generations will associate this abbreviation with video. Alternatively, according to the authors, it can also be read as “VideoHosting Sky”.
“YouTube has become such a monopoly that it can afford to pepper videos with ads without fear of users running away. They don’t run away because they have nowhere to go. So we’ve worked our way up to a situation where, without a subscription, ad blocks pop up every two minutes, and if you allow yourself to move the video, you’ll get an ad as soon as the previous one finishes. And among them there are a large number of obviously fraudulent ads, which if you report, Google will laugh at you, saying that they do not violate the rules of the service. writes Jiří Eischmanna software engineer from Red Hat and one of the authors of
YouTube is a monopoly, VHSky will allow monetization through voluntary contributions
VHSky is based on a Linux environment, so it is not surprising that many recorded videos are lectures about Linux. But the content is already filled with other genres as well. Behind the PeerTube platform stands the French non-profit organization Framasoft, which has been engaged in free creation for 20 years.
PeerTube has no ads and you can have multiple channels under one account. There is no monetization like on YouTube, instead there is a voluntary contribution button for the videos.
Do you upload or watch videos primarily on YouTube or its alternatives?
VHS currently supports three resolutions: 480p (usable on mobile phones), 1080p and 2160p. It is not possible to transfer the entire channel of videos from YouTube to VHS, so the authors have to re-record the videos manually one by one. On the other hand, it is possible to export the entire channel from VHS to another place.
When you watch videos, you stream them at the same time
Each instance also acts as a torrent server. Viewers become peers when watching a video and share it with other viewers, which can reduce server load. This is logically not active on mobile phones.
“We ran into the limits of the instance a bit, because when we uploaded dozens of videos there at once, a large part of which were in 4K, it took almost a whole day for the server to transcode them to all the set resolutions. On the contrary, I was pleasantly surprised by the space requirements. We recorded 105 videos, the average length of which can be about 40 minutes, and of which 55 were in 4K, after transcoding to the three mentioned resolutions, it took a bite out of the disk quota of 21 GB.”
Authors don’t allow everyone to automatically upload videos yet, they have to approve your channel first. Either because of the disk space capacity, but also to avoid spam or conspiracy content.