D.Trump’s wink at the fateful meeting: I also maintain a very good relationship with President V.Putin

Trump: We will end the war soon

AP/Scanpix/15min montage/Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelensky

“It’s a shame, but this is a war that shouldn’t have happened, and we’re going to solve it,” the Republican said at Trump Tower. – It’s a complicated puzzle (…) Too many people died. Too many beautiful cities.”

US media had previously reported that the meeting at Trump Tower in New York would not take place because Trump was offended by the Ukrainian president’s comments to The New Yorker magazine, when he said the Republican “doesn’t really know how to stop the war.”

However, later it was announced that D. Trump will receive V. Zelensky.

“I think we all agree that the war in Ukraine must be stopped, and Putin cannot win,” said V. Zelensky, who came to the meeting.

“The fact that we are together today is a very good sign,” said D. Trump, who came with him to the conference hall, expressing hope for a “good meeting.”

D. Trump: I also maintain a very good relationship with President V. Putin

AFP/Scanpix photo/Volodymyr Zelenskyi and Donald Trump

AFP/Scanpix photo/Volodymyr Zelenskyi and Donald Trump

“We have a very good relationship and I also have a very good relationship – as you know – with President (Vladimir) Putin. And I think if we win, I think we’re going to solve this very quickly,” he asserted.

The former US president said that long before January 20, when he would return to the White House if he wins, “we can achieve something that is mutually beneficial.”

The day before, the President of Ukraine met at the White House with his US colleague Joe Biden and D.Trump’s opponent in the November elections, Vice President Kamala Harris.

This week, V. Zelensky is participating in the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

Trump said he looked forward to a meeting between the two, but also hinted that he did not like Zelensky’s comments to The New Yorker.

Asked by a reporter about the comments at a press conference, the Republican said: “I think I disagree with him. He doesn’t know me.”

“I believe I will be able to make a deal” to end the war, Trump added, repeating a long-standing claim that he would quickly end the conflict that began in February 2022 when Russia invaded Ukraine.

Trump called the people of Ukraine “dead” and the country was destroyed

Reuters/Scanpix photo/Donald Trump

Reuters/Scanpix photo/Donald Trump

This much-anticipated meeting comes in the run-up to the election, before which it is clear that the positions of D. Trump and K. Harris differ sharply on support for Ukraine in the third year of the war with Russia.

In recent days, D. Trump praised Russia’s military achievements in previous conflicts and claimed that the United States should stop supporting Ukraine.

In an interview with The New Yorker this week, Zelensky suggested that Trump is misunderstanding the conflict and oversimplifying it. He also said that Trump’s vice presidential nominee, JDVance, is “too radical.” According to V. Zelenskis, JDVance essentially advocates that Ukraine make sacrifices by giving up its territories.

This week D.Trump humiliated V.Zelensky and Ukraine twice. Speaking in North Carolina on Wednesday, Trump called the people of Ukraine “dead” and the country was destroyed.

“Any deal, even the worst, would have been better than what we have now,” Trump said.

“If we had made a bad deal, it would have been a lot better. They (Ukraine) would have gone down a little and everyone would have lived, and every building and every tower would have stood for another 2 thousand. years,” he added.

At the time, K. Harris, standing next to V. Zelensky, said on Thursday that D. Trump’s call for Ukraine to quickly conclude an agreement to end the war “are not peace proposals. On the contrary, they are offers to surrender.”

On Thursday, D.Trump, for his part, stated that he was not saying that it was necessary to surrender.

While Trump and JD Vance have criticized US support for Ukraine, other Republican allies of the former president have backed Kyiv’s defense against Moscow’s invasion and said support for Ukraine is in America’s interests.

One of the allies of Ukraine and Trump in Congress is Senator Lindsey Graham.

According to a person familiar with the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity, during Zelensky’s closed meeting with senators at the Capitol on Thursday, L. Graham stood up and said that he had spoken with D. Trump about the Ukrainian president.

Graham told those in the cabinet that he would speak privately with Zelensky about his conversations with Trump, the person said. Towards the end of the meeting, L. Graham took V. Zelensky aside so that they could talk undisturbed, the source said.

L. Graham is close to the former president and often acts as a mediator in solving various issues.

Source: www.15min.lt