Data reveal horrific patterns of violence against women. What are the preventive measures?

Femicide, the worst form of violence against women, occurs in Slovenia mainly in the context of intimate partner relationships. Data shows that every second murder of a woman is committed by a partner or ex-partner.

Several cases of femicide have shocked the public this year. Despite existing measures and warnings from experts, women are still most vulnerable when they want to leave an abusive relationship. How can we as a society more effectively prevent these tragedies?

Statistics of femicide in Slovenia

Data from recent years reveal horrific patterns of violence against women in Slovenia. On average, more than half of women’s murders are committed by their partners. Last year there were more than six cases of femicide in Slovenia, but this year the numbers are still high, which is cause for concern. In cases of femicide, it often turns out that the victims had been exposed to violence, either physical or psychological, for a long time before the tragic event. According to the police report, thousands of cases of domestic violence are reported every year, and many victims do not even file a report or seek help only at the last moment.

Also this year, Slovenia is shaken by high-profile cases of femicide. In April, the husband lured his wife to the place where her lover was waiting with a knife and murdered her. Four children were thus left without a mother, the youngest son is two years old. In the middle of August, a man killed his partner in Ivančna Gorica, and in July of this year, a similar murder took place in Ljubljana. The last horrific case happened in mid-September in Slovenj Gradac, when a thirty-year-old man shot first his partner, and then himself.

Experts point out that these cases are not isolated and that femicide often occurs in the context of long-term violence that victims hide out of fear or shame. Associations to help victims of violence warn that institutions must be more responsive and cooperate in protecting women at the first signs of violence.

Why is this happening?

The main factor behind femicide in Slovenia is intimate partner violence, which often goes beyond physical injuries and also includes emotional abuse, control and threats. Experts point out that women who decide to leave an abusive relationship are the most vulnerable at this moment. Withdrawing from such a relationship often means a loss of control for an abusive partner, which can trigger fatal reactions. Threats are often present long before the fatal act, but are not taken seriously enough by the victims or those around them.

It is also important to point out the influence of social norms and stereotypes, which still too often justify or relativize violence against women. Some aggressors perceive their act as a means of maintaining power and control over their partner, which points to deeply rooted patriarchal patterns in our society. In addition, women in these situations are often economically dependent on their partners, which makes the decision to leave difficult.


In recent years, the police and other competent institutions in Slovenia have introduced various measures to prevent violence against women.

Preventing femicide: where are we and what can we do?

In recent years, the police and other competent institutions in Slovenia have introduced various measures to prevent violence against women. Last year, they adopted additional preventive measures, which include faster interventions in the event of reports of violence and greater protection for victims. In practice, however, these solutions often turn out to be insufficiently effective, as some victims of femicide did not receive adequate protection in time.

One of the important steps in preventing femicide is raising awareness of what violence against women actually means and how to recognize it in its early stages. Societies such as the SOS Society and the Women’s Counseling Society have been implementing programs to support victims of violence for many years, but they warn that without systemic changes and greater social sensitivity, it will not be possible to completely prevent femicide.

The inclusion of educational programs that inculcate the values ​​of equality and respect in young people from an early age is crucial. It is also important for the state to respond with more effective legislative measures that would prevent bullies from contacting victims after reports of violence. There are still many shortcomings in this area, as it often happens that victims do not have enough legal protection, while violent partners are still at large.


In cases of femicide, it often turns out that the victims had been exposed to violence, either physical or psychological, for a long time before the tragic event.

How to proceed?

Preventing femicide requires a comprehensive approach that includes both legislative changes and greater social commitment. Many preventive programs and measures are already implemented in Slovenia, but the results show that we need to do more. An important step is to improve cooperation between the police, social services and non-governmental organizations in order to provide adequate protection to victims at the first signs of violence.

It is also imperative to raise awareness of how dangerous intimate partner violence can be. The public must recognize and understand that femicide is not a personal tragedy, but a systemic problem that must be addressed with a comprehensive strategy.
