Data transfer accumulation – in which prepaid offers?

Mobile service charges have been rising for several years, and operators explain these increases by granting higher data transfer limits. However, you can avoid higher charges by choosing the cheapest packages in prepaid offers, but with the accumulation of unused data transfer.

It is true that the use of data transfer in mobile networks is growing year by year, but it is not always the case that we use the full allocated limits each month.

In one month we use 10 GB, in the second 30 GB, and in the third 100 GB. In many offers, in the case of each such use we pay one amount, regardless of whether it was 10 GB, 30 GB or 100 GB. However, there are offers, for example with a 50 GB limit, where after using 10 GB, 40 GB is transferred to use in the next month and is added to the new limit for the next month.

What are these offers? Let’s check, broken down by the reach of individual infrastructure operators – Orange, Play, Plus and T-Mobile. In all the offers described below, the only condition for accumulating unused data transfer in a given month is to maintain the continuity of the purchased, cyclical package.

Offers with accumulation of unused data transfer within Orange range

Within Orange’s range we have two offers with cumulation, although configured differently.

In Orange Free prepaid, all you need to do is buy the cheapest cyclical package for PLN 31 per month to benefit from the growing data transfer limit. In the first month, it will be 30 GB per month, and if you use 10 GB, then in the next month it will be 50 GB, etc.

In turn, the Orange Flex subscription uses the Safe mechanism. What does it involve? Namely, when we have some data transfer left at the end of the billing period, it is saved in the Safe and is available for use in any subsequent month with a greater demand for data transfer. It is true that this postponed transfer can be used for half a year, but six such Safes can be created at the same time, which will be freed up over time for the next gigabytes saved.

Offers with accumulation of unused data transfer within Play range

Within Play’s range we only have one offer with data transfer accumulation, although in two options – in the prepaid offer and by subscription.

In the prepaid offer, you can purchase the cheapest package for PLN 25 per month, with an initial limit of 30 GB.

However, in the subscription for PLN 30 per month, with an initial limit of 80 GB of data transfer per month. In both cases, there is a limit of collected data transfer at the level of about 1 TB, but this is probably a sufficient option for a “rainy day”.

Offers with accumulation of unused data transfer within Plus range

The Plus prepaid offer includes several options: two prepaid offers – in Plus and Plush, and in the Plus subscription. In each offer, the cheapest package with the accumulation of unused data transfer costs PLN 30 per month, with an initial limit of 30 GB of data transfer per month.

However, there is also such an offer within Plus’s reach – in Lycamobile on a prepaid basis, where the cheapest package with GB accumulation costs PLN 25 and includes 40 GB of data transfer to start with.

Offers with accumulation of unused data transfer within T-Mobile range

The last offer with GB accumulation is available in T-Mobile prepaid, where the cheapest package costs PLN 30 per month and we get 30 GB of data transfer to start with.

So, by purchasing one of the above offers at a price from PLN 25 to PLN 35 per month, it may turn out that despite a smaller starting limit than in more expensive packages, in the following months you will collect enough of them to not have to worry about data transfer on your smartphone later.
